Small Business Saver Program
The Small Business Saver Program supports SDG&E® eligible micro- and small-business customers with activities, information, and no-cost solutions that may provide immediate savings on your SDG&E energy bill.
One of our expert Program Representatives will work with you to identify which services are the best fit for your business.
Program benefits include:
- Educational information about best practices that could save you money and improve the comfort of your space,
- A site-specific assessment and report, and
- Installation of no-cost projects by a qualified contractor.
The Small Business Saver Program focuses on micro- and small-business customers operating within Disadvantaged Communities or those defined as Hard-To-Reach.
To be eligible as a participant in the Small Business Saver Program, your business must:
Have electric or natural gas service provided by SDG&E through a commercial account that pays the Public Goods Charge or Public Purpose Programs (PPP) surcharge
Have a peak demand of 20 kW or less
Not be a past or current participant in SDG&E’s Market Access Program
Operate within a Disadvantaged Community (DAC) and/or meet the Small Business Hard-To-Reach (HTR) criteria

How to determine if your business is in a Disadvantaged Community (DAC) or considered a Small Business Hard-To- Reach (HTR):
- Follow this link to California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment CalEnviroScreen SB535. If your business address is located in a red zone, it meets the program’s eligibility requirement for Disadvantaged Community status.
- If you are not located in a Disadvantaged Community (the red zone noted above), but are in the San Diego statistical metro area, you must be able to certify that all three of the following Small Business Hard-To-Reach criteria are met:
- Primary language spoken is other than English, AND
- Business size is fewer than 25 employees, AND
- Facility is leased or rented
- If you are located outside the San Diego statistical metro area, only one of the Hard-To-Reach criteria must be met.
Ineligible? There are other programs that can serve you!
SDG&E offers other programs for small businesses. Please click here to learn more.
The Small Business Saver Program is funded by California utility customers under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission and implemented by Resource Innovations, Inc. under a contract awarded by San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®). Customers who choose to participate in this program are not obligated to purchase any additional services offered by the contractor. Actual savings may vary. The trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.